FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about
Concierge Medicine & TCM Membership

We understand that concierge medicine may be new to some. We hope to answer your questions here. Should you still have unanswered questions, please contact us so a member of our staff may assist you. Thank you for your interest in TCM.

Q: What Is Concierge Medicine?


Concierge medicine is a membership-model of healthcare whereby a patient pays a physician a membership fee for more personalized medicine. You might think of it as a retainer, whereby you pay a physician to be available whenever you need him or her. This allows concierge medicine physicians to keep their number of patient members small, allowing for deeper patient-physician relationships, individualized medical care, and direct physician availability around the clock. This means longer appointment times, more same or next day appointments, and the ability to focus on preventative medicine. This also allows your physician to address chronic health conditions in more detail, as well as directly coordinate your care with other healthcare providers, whether they are outpatient physicians, inpatient physicians, or even out of town physicians.

Q: What Costs Can I Expect to Incur as a Member of Tritel Concierge Medicine?


As a member of Tritel Concierge Medicine, you will be required to pay for your membership fee. You will not be charged for office visits, home or hospital visits, or calls to Dr. Tritel. Please call us for membership pricing.

Q: Do I Still Need Medical Insurance?


Yes. Concierge medicine does not replace the need for medical insurance. You will still need insurance to cover other healthcare costs such as blood work, diagnostic imaging (X-rays, MRI, etc.), specialists visits, allied healthcare (physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.), emergency room and urgent care visits, and hospitalizations. You may elect to choose a high-deductible insurance to offset some of these expenses. Please call our office if you would like to discuss this further.

Q: Will My Medical Insurance Pay for My Membership Fee?


No, medical insurance does not pay for membership fees.

Q: How Are Membership Payments Made to Tritel Concierge Medicine?


You can elect to pay your membership fee annually, semi-annually, or monthly (with a credit card on file). Please call our office at 239.244.9670 for more information.

Q: Will I Receive a Membership Card to Tritel Concierge Medicine?


Yes, you will have a TCM membership card with all of the contact information you, a family member, or another healthcare provider will need to reach our office or Dr. Tritel directly. Should you need to visit the emergency room or be hospitalized for any reason, this will facilitate communication directly with Dr. Tritel and coordination of your care.

Additional Questions?

If your question has not been answered, please ask.

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